
Sustainable Ocean Farming: Holdfast Aquaculture Leads by Example

In anticipation of a boom in the still-nascent industry of American ocean farming (aquaculture), Holdfast Aquaculture is setting a precedent for sustainable and science-based farming practices. The small company runs its commercial and research operations at AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles, a public-private collaborative ocean institute in San Pedro, California. On the commercial side, Holdfast produces California-native seaweed and shellfish seeds for purchase by seaweed farmers who grow the seafood and sell it to restaurants.

Me vs. The World… of Heat Transport: An Energy-saving Window’s Story

Me vs. The World… of Heat Transport: An Energy-saving Window’s Story

Heat loss is a cunning villain, and probably one of the most vastly accepted forms of wasted energy. Now energy is something you as humans take very seriously, especially electrical energy. With this you can do all sorts of useful things, like heat up your house in the winter or cool your car in the summer. Despite its usefulness, generating electrical energy has a high impact on the environment, so we all must do what we can to help save it. But heat transport, this is a hidden terror, lurking in the shadow of useful processes and lowering efficiency, wasting energy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec molestie nunc. Aliquam euismod tortor nec lorem scelerisque, nec ullamcorper leo faucibus. Donec ultrices metus libero, nec sodales urna dapibus vel. Cras porttitor lorem semper, euismod purus...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ullamcorper nec quam in finibus. Cras pretium pellentesque neque, ut convallis ipsum ultrices vitae. Ut in est in justo faucibus aliquet. Donec maximus turpis eu sem mattis, eget sollicitudin ex condimentum....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet fermentum metus. Praesent sollicitudin turpis sed quam dignissim commodo. Phasellus gravida, metus at varius egestas, risus risus efficitur nibh, quis venenatis orci nunc mollis magna. Morbi...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lacinia lorem libero, quis semper mauris bibendum sed. Nulla consequat dui et rhoncus consequat. Aliquam ac velit a nisl fermentum condimentum quis nec magna. Sed rutrum malesuada mauris id auctor....

How clean is LA’s water? INFEWS Trainees head to Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant to find out!

How clean is LA’s water? INFEWS Trainees head to Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant to find out!

There is a public stigma that tap water is not fit for drinking. And given the experiences of people in third world countries battling bacterial and viral infections to residents in Flint, Michigan being exposed to high levels of lead and other pollutants from water contamination, can you really blame anyone who feels this way? Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), however, claims that the tap water in the City of Los Angeles is safe for consumption and is, in fact, held to a higher standard than bottled water.

Hyperion: Making Waste Water Sustainable

Hyperion: Making Waste Water Sustainable

Stepping off the bus at a wastewater reclamation plant, you expect to be in for a mundane tour. This tank is here, that pipe is there, this is what we do, here are our goals, any questions? No? Perfect, have a great day. That last thing you expect is the shear enthusiasm and depth of information we saw in the staff, especially tour guide Nancy Carr.

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and innovation

Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and innovation

In the heart of the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles lies a center for innovative clean technology, the La Kretz Innovation Campus of the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI). An old abandoned warehouse was remodeled and opened in 2016 to house 60,000 square feet of rentable offices, conference rooms, classrooms, and labs for use by cleantech start-up companies within their incubator program.

Striving Towards a Sustainable UCLA

Striving Towards a Sustainable UCLA

Sprinkled about UCLA’s campus are both ongoing efforts towards sustainability and efforts yet to be tackled. Bonny Bentzin, the Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer at UCLA, guided the INFEWS trainees across UCLA’s 419 acre campus.