by Mackenzie Anderson 

Today, Los Angeles depends on water diverted from the San Joaquin Sacramento River Delta, the Colorado  River, and the snowpack in the Eastern Sierras. These are the waters that enabled LA’s existence through feats of engineering. While conservation is  always beneficial, LA ‘s move away from diversion requires people to take a step away from these ontological roots. Ideas about what water is good and what water is bad needs to be reframed.  


California recently experienced a 7-year drought. The farmers felt it, scientists  studied it, and politicians knew it too.  Several initiatives were put in place to  reduce urban water use. After all,  mobilizing a dense population is a lot  faster than solving legislative,  agricultural, or infrastructural challenges  impacting water distribution and use. In  the future, it’s projected that LA’s  population will continue to grow and that  droughts will become more intense in  California and across the world. 

“Save the Drop” is one organization that  helps citizens do the most with the water  that they have, and to save money in  doing so. Central to Save the Drop’s website are LADWP rebates for  practicing water-saving habits, like using  a rain barrel, or installing water saving  appliances, like a faucet aerator.  Angelinos also encountered signs like  the one shown here on trains and buses  across LA. 

Other government initiatives in LA arose  in response to the drought across all  departments. For example, residents can apply for free trees for yards and LAUSD has been introducing new  curricula and programs focused on  water management and conservation. With the success of Save the Drop  under its belt, the Mayor’s Office has,  contained in LA’s “Green New Deal pLAn,” a lofty outlook for water use in  LA. With the goal of 70% local water use  by 2045, the expansive plan specifically  talks about purifying water for  groundwater recharge, using non potable water in local industry, and collecting storm water runoff.  

While all of this is beneficial, sometimes  the most straightforward ideas for really  closing the loop on water use in cities are avoided. What about having a world  where local water, zero diversion from “natural” systems, refers to a very  specific set of water molecules kept and  used over and over again.  


When walking by the engineering school  at the largest public University in  California, the University of California,  Los Angeles, tour guides like to brag  about how “the birth of the internet” happened there in 1969. Most visitors  can grasp the impact of that technology and how it changed how we live. Few know the tale of a slightly more eclectic  discovery that happened a decade earlier in the same building, one that  has and is changing the world in less  visible ways. 

In the late 1950’s, Sidney Loeb an  immigrant from Israel and Srinivasa  Sourirajan, an immigrant from India serendipitously gained access to a new  source of potable water. The source: the  ocean, a briny solution that compelled  the Ancient Mariner to say “Water water  everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”  Taking the salt out of ocean water, was  not a new idea, but in many cases, in  was prohibitively expensive. 

Let’s take a look at the options available before their discovery. One could force water through a symmetric membrane,  which for them referred to a dense layer  of synthetic material (like plastic), and  eventually some water would pass  through. This was impractical because  of the energy required. The other option  was to heat the water until it evaporated.  One can then cool and condense the  steam and collect the clean water. This  too took a large amount of energy, and had its own set of infrastructure  challenges.  

The Loeb-Sourirajan membrane was the  first that made the former process  happen a lot faster and using much less  force. By discovering that membrane  asymmetry, arising from the process  used to make a certain type of  membrane, could reduce the energy  required well below evaporating and  condensing water, a new industry was  born. 

A membrane works by essentially  slowing down one substance while  letting the other pass through quickly.  Think of rush hour traffic on a freeway.  As the cars slowly navigate past each  other, inching along, motorcycles are  able to zip right through and reach their  destination. With a membrane process  the membrane material slows down the  substances dissolved in water (the cars) much more than it slows down the water (the motorcycles). This interaction is  based on the chemical makeup of the  membrane where atoms of different  sizes and charges slow some molecules  down more than others. Some separations are more complicated than  others and arranging the atoms and  charges has to be tailored for the  specific compound(s). 


Presently, most commercially available  membranes are made from a material called polyamide, which is similar to the  nylon used in clothing. Although  designed for separating salt from water,  it’s also the standard for aqueous  separations including the purification of  sugar cane and pharmaceuticals, the  concentration of fruit juice, the  processing of dairy products, and for  cleaning up some Superfund sites.  

In order to truly reap the rewards  membrane technology offers, it needs to  be everywhere. Membrane scientists  and engineers in LA and across the  word are working to make water re-use  the rule, not the exception, as we move  toward a more sustainable future.  


Most of the water that comes from a tap  in LA has passed through a treatment  plant in Sylmar after taking the long  journey over the mountains from  northern California. This is costly in and of itself. After being thoroughly cleaned,  distributed, and discharged from a tap, it  is then sent to Hyperion Water  Reclamation Facility, where it’s purified  again. Purified water from Hyperion  Water Reclamation facility in Los  Angeles is then discharged into the  ocean. Only 2% of water is recycled in  LA, mostly by industrial plants like the  Exxon Mobil Refinery in Torrance. The  refinery treats the water again and then  uses it in their cooling towers. One  might think the name ought to be  Hyperion Water Discharge Facility.  

What many would like to do instead is to  further treat it send it back to the water  grid. This is called “Direct Potable  Reuse” or DPR. This begs the question,  why isn’t this closed circuit system in the  pLAn for LA? Indirect potable reuse or  IPR, in contrast is collecting the clean  water, pumping it into the ground, and then pumping it out again, which  sometimes makes the water dirtier than  when injected. Now, groundwater recharge, similar to IPR is in the pLAn,  But, in addressing water recycling more  specifically, it is clarified in the fine print  as “*including but not limited to non potable reuse, groundwater recharge,  and supporting environmental and  recreational uses such as those in the  L.A. River.” This is easy to overlook, but  in the eyes of some, it is a loaded  comment. There’s a hidden barrier there  someone is not willing to break through.  


Plans to bring DPR or even IPR to LA  county in the past have failed due to  cost and consumer fear. Fear of what  the water might be keeping. But as  technology is getting better and  information is at our fingertips to vet, it’s  time to get ready for a vote. In the end  we are the water keepers; we choose what to pay attention to regarding water.  Truth be told, all water is good water,  never permanently tainted, and now it is  easier than ever to see and remove  what might be hidden in it.  

The Mayor’s fund for Los Angeles has  already set aside 1.8 billion dollars for  water projects with a goal to reach 30% imported water by the year 2035. Right  now, we import 85% of our water. When  discussions such as these make their  way to the ballot again, think about the  Ancient Mariner and how today several  middle eastern and gulf countries rely  on desalination for most of their potable water. When it is time to move beyond  Saving the Drop, LA cannot afford to  miss its window of opportunity. 

Mackenzie is part of the 2018-2019 INFEWS program cohort and a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA. Her research focuses on developing new membranes for water purification.

This is a pop science article produced in the Science Communication course. The blog is part of the INFEWS Social Media Series.